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Art I

Art I

Welcome to Art I

This is a hands-on, project driven class that focuses on learning about the Elements and Principles of Design. 

We will focus on each Element: Line, Shape, Form, Space, Value, Texture, and Color to create works of art that encompass the Principles of Art: Movement, Rhythmn, Balance, Emphasis, Unity, and Variety.


Most work this year will  be completed in your Sketchbook to make it easier to transport your work to and from school during the A B rotation. 

Please have the following supplies by the second week we are back in the building:

  • Sketchbook  (around 9x12 in size)
  • Pencil Box
  • scissors (whatever kind fit in your box and comfortable using)
  • Sharpie Fine Point (permanent markers black ink)
  • Sharpie Ultra Fine Point
  • #2 Pencil
  • Mechanical Pencil


This will give us something to get started with until class fees are collected and orders can be placed for addtional supplies. This year, to eliminate the sharing of supplies, projects will be modified to meet requirements for social distancing. Ordering individual supplies for each student that will be easily transportable  is our goal at this time.


Art Class Supply Fee: $30.00


Thank you for your patience and understanding during this uncertain time. 



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