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Chapters 9 & 10 Key Content and Concepts



  • Explain the push and pull factors for African Americans migrating from the South to the North during the Great Migration, and compare/contrast what life was like for African Americans who migrated to the North versus those who lived in the South.
  •  Explain the origins and influence of the Harlem Renaissance, and discuss the factors that led Harlem to become a center for African-American art, music, literature, thought, and politics.
  •  Discuss different perspectives on black identity and racial consciousness in the 1920s (concept of the “New Negro;” Marcus Garvey and the Back to Africa movement; W.E.B. DuBois and the ideas of “twoness” and the “talented tenth”).
  • Explain the causes and effects of the Eighteenth Amendment.
  • Analyze the extent to which women’s roles in society changed in the 1920s.
  • Explain how women achieved the right to vote and why the Equal Rights Amendment did not pass.
  • Describe popular images/perceptions of the 1920s (Roaring Twenties, Jazz Age, flappers, lost generation), and evaluate the extent to which those images/perceptions reflect the experiences of different groups of people during that period.
  • Explain the origins and effects of the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and the Immigration Act of 1924. 
  • Analyze how events of the 1920s were both reflections of and reactions to changes in American society.
  • Explain causes and effects of social upheaval in the years following World War I (1918 influenza outbreak, recession and inflation, labor strikes, race riots).
  •  Describe the difference in the economic ideologies of capitalism, socialism, and communism.
  •  Analyze the causes and effects of the first Red Scare (Bolshevik/Russian Revolution, fear of socialism/communism/anarchism, Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti trial, nativism, immigration quotas).
  • Explain the factors that led to the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan and nativist sentiment in the 1920s.
  • Describe resistance to the Jim Crow system in the 1920s (anti-lynching campaign, NAACP).
  • Discuss the presidential election of 1920, and explain the appeal of Harding’s “return to normalcy” campaign.
  • Describe the economic agendas of Harding and Coolidge (pro-business/anti-union, tax reductions). 
  • Explain how advances in technology made ownership of goods attainable for more Americans.
  • Analyze how the prevalence of new technologies and consumer goods affected American society and the economy (automobiles, home appliances, ready-to-wear clothing, radio, movies, aviation).
  • Analyze how the growth of the consumer economy, advertising, and the ability to buy on credit affected American society.
  • Explain the impact of scientific theories on American society (Scopes trial and the teaching of evolution, religious fundamentalism).